11 January 2020

Mental Health aWHEREness conducts its first Mapathon for Mental Health in collaboration with UP Department of Geography

By: Andi Tabinas

Mental Health aWHEREness, a volunteer organization for mental health, conducted its first mental health mapathon in collaboration with the UP Department of Geography last May 11, 2019 at the Dept. of Geography Conference Room ā€“ PAV 2248.

As part of its goals to have an online platform for mental health awareness and a crowd-sourcing page to map mental health services, the organization conducts mapathons to teach students and volunteers on how they could contribute to the projectā€™s map. They also aim to work with policy-makers to increase access for all by showing them where services are needed through this map.
In these mapathons, aka mapping marathons, volunteers map mental health services and resources via OpenStreetMap (OSM) in line with the projectā€™s goal to make these mental health spatial data available to everyone. To do this, the team uses a dedicated MapContrib page for the project wherein the participants could map the mental health services and facilities based on their local knowledge. The map relies on the volunteer mappersā€™ local knowledge of locations or places from anywhere in the Philippines to ensure that the mental health services and facilities are more accurately mapped on their locations on the map, rather than just searching online for their addresses. Some facilities also lack addresses and other important data one might need to consult a professional for their mental health, so Mental Health aWHEREness also encourages everyone to contribute their knowledge in completing the projectā€™s database.
Aside from the mapathon proper, there were also talks on mental health by resource persons who also advocate for mental health and mental health awareness.  These talks aim to tell the participants about the current state of mental health of Filipinos and mental healthcare in the Philippines, share basic knowledge about mental health illnesses and how to take care of oneā€™s mental health and of others who may be fighting their own mental health battles, and encourage people to help fight the stigma on mental health. The project also showcases most of these information and mental health awareness campaigns on their website and through social media and collaborations with other groups.

Ms. Andi Tabinas discussing Mental Health aWHEREness. 
Speakers and participants of the Mapathon.
To know more about Mental Health aWHEREness, its other initiatives to promote awareness on mental health, and how to support the organization, everyone is encouraged to visit their website at https://mentalhealthawhereness.com or follow their social media accounts. Promoting their MH aWHEREness Map would also mean more people could access the information presented in the map, and more people would be encouraged to seek help for their mental health. With the stigma on mental health, people would still be able to reach out to a professional and ask help and advice for their mental health without letting anyone else know about what theyā€™re going through until they are ready to do so.
If you also want to volunteer with other Mental Health aWHEREness volunteers, or be part of its team, you may reach out to them through their website or via email at mentalhealthawhereness@gmail.com.

Facebook: Mental Health aWHEREness
Twitter: @MHawhereness


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