10 July 2021

PGS Lecture Series 2021-09: John Ceffrey Eligue on vulnerabilities of the fisherfolk and farmer communities in Camotes islands

Disaster studies oftentimes focus on large-scale and macro-level physical and natural hazards and how environments are impacted in the aftermath of disasters. Fewer studies spotlight on what van Voorst et al (2015) term as “everyday hazards,” where human subjects’ experience and encounter with environmental stresses are given particular focus. 

Sponsored by the Philippine Geographical Society (PGS) through the PGS Lecture Series, John Ceffrey Eligue’s talk will illustrate these “everyday hazards” and how protracted daily neglect leads to fragile livelihoods for those who are already exposed to natural hazards. Prof Eligue’s presentation entitled Purok, Pook, at Panganib: stories in times of kalisod and managing everyday risks in the Camotes Islands will showcase the use of a more place-based approach in identifying patterns of risk perception and coping strategies of people living with slow-onset hazards in an island community of Camotes. Deploying kalisod (Visayan for hardship) as an analytic, the talk gives equal importance to stories gleaned from the farmers and fisherfolk in the island using a socio-spatial approach. The study attests that vulnerability is not static and social bonding is necessary in coping during times of kalisod.

Prof Eligue is a faculty member of the Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning, at the College of Human Ecology of the University of the Philippines Los Baños. He teaches courses on human ecology, human settlements, and planning theory. Prof Eligue served as research associate for various land and water use planning projects and foreign-assisted programs doing field works across the country prior to his employment as an assistant professor at UPLB. 

This presentation happens on 17 July (Saturday) at 2:00PM. If you wish to attend and participate, register through this link.

The UP Department of Geography is a co-sponsor of this event through the Human Geography, and Geographies of Disasters and Hazards research clusters. 

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