23 February 2023

Heo/Geo Lecture Series 2023-02: Edo Andriesse on inequalities from growing seaweed in Iloilo

Find out why growing seaweed can have starkly different outcomes in the same province.

For the second Heo/Geo Lecture Series, Edo Andriesse describes and explains the challenges of sustained success in growing carrageenan seaweed in Iloilo Province. Based on two rounds of fieldwork in two municipalities, a process of divergence can be observed; success in San Dionisio while respondents in Estancia quit growing seaweed and returned to fishing. This result gives rise to conceptual and policy implications with respect to coastal governance and poverty reduction efforts.

Prof Edo Andriesse's lecture entitled Coastal divergence and inequality: A case study of seaweed farming in Iloilo Province will take place on Monday, 27 February 2023 at 5:00PM via Zoom.

Edo Andriesse is a professor of development geography at Seoul National University. He teaches a wide range of human geography courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interest is coastal, rural development in Southeast Asia focusing on topics such as upstream seaweed value chains, coastal governance, rural inequality, bonding social capital, and local political economies.

The Heo/Geo Lecture Series is a joint effort of the UP Department of Geography and Philippine Geographical Society. It aims to present the academic research, multi-sector as well as community-based projects, and other geographically-informed undertakings of scholars, field practitioners, and geospatial industry insiders.

This lecture is part of the 40th year anniversary of the UP Department of Geography.

To participate in the lecture, please register through this link: https://tinyurl.com/yc3fme6h

#PadayonGeografia #UPDGeog40thAnniv #HeoGeo 

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